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ICUMSA 45 (White refined sugar):

  • Rua: alameda arapanes 111
  • Cidade: São Paulo
  • Estado: São Paulo
  • País: Brasil
  • Código postal: 04524001
  • Postado: 4 de dezembro de 2017 10:35
  • Expira: Este anúncio expirou
  • Preço:


ICUMSA 45 (White refined sugar)

Method of payment:
Contract balance 100.000 MT >>> Payment SBLC – Bank TOP 25 MT 103 -CIF ASWP.
Total Quantity: 100,000 / MT
Location: Port of Santos / Brazil
Packing: 50 kg bags
Product / ICUMSA Sugar / 45 RBU
See why on IMDbPro
Polarization 99.80 % (minimum)
0.04 % Moisture weight (maximum)
An ash content of 0.04 % (maximum) by weight
100% dry and fluid solubility
Within the limits accepted international radiation
Culture / Current substance / Solid crystal
Magnetic particles 4 mg / k
SO2 70 mg / k
Color / Sediment Sparkling White / None
By Max Ash 0.04 % electric weight
Sulfur dioxide 20 mg / kg (minimum)
Granulation Fina
The maximum reduction Sugar 0.05 % by weight
HPN NIL Staphylococcus aureus
Free smell of any strange smell
AS 1 ppm (maximum)
PS 2 ppm (maximum)
CU 3 ppm (maximum
> Commission: USD.5.00 / Divided between Buy and Sell.
ICPO + RWA Documents
All documents sent must be stamped, stamped, signed by the CEO and in PDF format.
Participation only for buyers, we spare adventurers and speculators
+5511. 96144 7000 * 97402 0707
Our Products: Sugar * Soybean * Coffee * Corn *
São Paulo / Brazil

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1001 total de visualização, 1 hoje


ID do anúncio: 5a253f8c6be94

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Processando o seu pedido, aguarde ....
  • Rua: alameda arapanes 111
  • Cidade: São Paulo
  • Estado: São Paulo
  • País: Brasil
  • Código postal: 04524001
  • 2 Respostas De “ICUMSA 45 (White refined sugar):”

    1. Vanique de Santana em 4 de dezembro de 2017 @ 10:38
      +5511. 96144 7000 * 97402 0707
      Our Products: Sugar * Soybean * Coffee * Corn *
      São Paulo / Brazil

    2. Eu José Inácio desejo sabê si ainda está tendo açúcar p/exportação
      José Inácio

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