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Bahia iron and manganese and others in Brazil

  • Cidade: São Paulo
  • Postado: 29 de julho de 2017 14:21
  • Expira: Este anúncio expirou
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MID Mineral Resources is born through the need of investors for the wealth of the Brazilian soil. Considering that the steel mills and ferroalloy producers are increasingly picky with respect to quality and price, they are run into direction to invest on their own mines to reduce risks, costs and amplify exponentially the profits on medium term.

Our motivation

Our motivation to start activities was precisely the difficulty to reach mineral reserves with good possibilities to become mines. The most of them are not strategically planed and unfortunately does not conclude the researches with positive answers.

Our difference

We go behind the evidence, but we let the clients perform research in their own way.


Reduced risks: if even with all care we took on the choice, the area cannot be productive, customer will know before applying on DNPM (National Bureau of Mineral Production), we will be always transparent, because the customer’s profit and satisfaction are our goals.

Saving time: avoiding having to analyze hundreds of documents and have nothing concrete.

Saving money: as we do not sell areas, clients will pay the raw price our Govern, through DNPM, determinates. It won’t be included any profit on the purchase of the areas. Different than other cases, where small investors purchase a lot of areas, do some researches with limited capital, and try to sell on the market without any responsibility and care with customer’s interest.


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  • Cidade: São Paulo